
Showing posts from July, 2012

My Latest Race(s)

Hello True Believers, Well, the last six weeks have been ridiculous….I think that is the only word I have to use. I have NOT been “ Feeling the Aster ”. Last night gave me a small sense of what I needed. For once, and for a short time, I felt “ Whelmed ”. I was in control of the pain going on, I was in control of whether I stopped or gutted it out and kept going. Now before I get ahead of myself, let me fully explain. About 6 weeks ago, my mom showed complications and had her second angioplasty where they went through the artery in leg (she had it about a year ago). Well she stayed in ICU surgery recovery as they found out that she still had blood clots in her legs. Well she doesn’t have a strong enough vein to go back in, so they increased her blood thinner, and after 2 weeks she was finally released and went home. Well, the next day she complained of pain in her legs and went to see her PCP who prescribed her some mild pain killers. Damary and I noticed that first night; ...