
Showing posts from March, 2013

Rodes 10K Write Up

Hello True Believers!             Sorry this write up is a little late, but it has been a busy past two weeks. And tomorrow starts Race Week for the last leg of the Louisville Triple Crown of Running: The Papa John’s 10 Miler! I am still so excited for Damary and her training and perseverance. Yesterday she had her longest run, BY HERSELF! She went outside and knocked off her own little 10K! The first thing I could tell was that she is gaining confidence in herself. She not only had her fastest overall run, she know REALLY believes that she can do the Derby Half Marathon. Which I have known since Day One of her training. Well Rodes 10K Race Morning, we were running a little behind and got to the start line, just as the Pace Car was starting. So we jumped in and crossed the Start Line and headed out. We had discussed a plan/strategy for Rodes 10K. As her Coach I offered that we run half a mile and then walk half a mile for at...

Anthem 5K Write-Up a.k.a. How AWESOME is my Wife??

Hello True Believers!                 This is my report from yesterday’s Anthem 5K which is the start of the LouisvilleTriple Crown of Running which leads into the Kentucky Derby Festival Mini (Half) and Full Marathon. This was Damary’s first trained for 5K, and she has been training to run her first Half marathon at the previously mentioned Derby. I am so excited and proud of her. I am her coach/trainer/motivator along this training course. I will say that Damary makes it RIDICULOUSLY easy to be those titles, because she is motivated. Instead of getting up by myself at 3:30AM, we now get up together, and the “Fam-Cave” turns into the “Sweat Cave” as the XBox gets fired up for Nike+ Kinect (which I recommend ANYONE who wants to workout and has an XBox, RUN and pick this up. Of all of the exercise Kinect games, this one is the BEST by far!), and the treadmill (I call it Barry, as in Barry Allen, a.k.a. The ...

Weight Loss, Training, and Life Getting Better!

                 Well Hello True Believers! I hope all is well with you all! It has been a crazy time around here! I am Trainer/Coach/Motivator my beautiful wife as she is training for her first Half Marathon! I am so excited and proud of her, it isn't even funny. In the past almost 3 years that I have been a runner, she and our daughters have braved all sorts of weather to be there to cheer me on at every single Finish Line. I am honored that I can return the favor! We'll be doing the Louisville Triple Crown together (Anthem 5K, Rodes, 10K, and Papa John's 10 Miler) together, so I can pace her, and keep her focused on race mornings. I am so excited for this.                  Speaking of excited and proud, she decided a couple of months ago that she would adopt a fitness and nutrition lifestyle change. Since then, she ...