
Showing posts from January, 2014

My Humble Polar Loop Review!

Hello True Believers!    Well not too long ago, I decided that 2014 I would take swim lessons because I want to compete in triathlons. Well, I tore my Glenoid Labral and have biceps tendinitis, so that is on hold until next month. But this means I needed to upgrade my current activity tracker (I was using the BodyMedia Fit) and my current GPS watch (NIKE + GPS Sportwatch). While these are great pieces of technologies, they are meant for people who are solely running and I need something more. So I traded them in, and now have a Polar Loop 24 Hour Activity Tracker, and TomTom Multisport GPS Watch with Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor. Well on my Instagram (Corey26Point2 is my username, feel free to follow me!) I posted my Polar Loop, and since the product is so new, people were asking me about it and my opinion. Well, I have never done this before, but I did my version of a product review, video blog, complete with some pictures. In a few weeks I will do my review of my TomTom ...