Hey Everyone, So I was doing well on my marathon training, and then I noticed a couple of Friday's ago, I was feeling extrememly hot, or extremely cold (I even cracked jokes about it on Facebook and Twitter). Then no food wanted to stay in my body. So when I was doing my daily walks at work, I felt so weak like I would pass out. I tried running once, and don't remember how I made it back home. So I just chalked it up to a stomach "Bug", if you will. I figured by the end of the week, I'd feel fine. Well, last Friday came and the "bug" turned into white hot pain. So that night I went to the Aftercare facility near us, and the doctor said I have a stomach infection (hence the pain), and gave me antibiotics. She said I should feel fine as of yesterday. She also told me not to run, until I felt 100%, not just better than I did. So I am not in nearly as much pain as I was just a few short days ago. Because I lost so much, I am still a little weak. But...