
Showing posts from July, 2010


Hey Everyone!! I got a suggestion from a good friend of mine, Carl, about video blogging the marathon training journey. I will be (trying) to do these once a week. No, it won't make up for my normal blog, but just something extra for those who are curious about my drive and determination. Enjoy, and comments are welcomed -Until The Wheels Fall Off -Corey

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Marathon Training, or A.K.A. Stomach Infections are NOT Fun!!

Hey Everyone, So I was doing well on my marathon training, and then I noticed a couple of Friday's ago, I was feeling extrememly hot, or extremely cold (I even cracked jokes about it on Facebook and Twitter). Then no food wanted to stay in my body. So when I was doing my daily walks at work, I felt so weak like I would pass out. I tried running once, and don't remember how I made it back home. So I just chalked it up to a stomach "Bug", if you will. I figured by the end of the week, I'd feel fine. Well, last Friday came and the "bug" turned into white hot pain. So that night I went to the Aftercare facility near us, and the doctor said I have a stomach infection (hence the pain), and gave me antibiotics. She said I should feel fine as of yesterday. She also told me not to run, until I felt 100%, not just better than I did. So I am not in nearly as much pain as I was just a few short days ago. Because I lost so much, I am still a little weak. But...

Marathon Training; Or As I Like To Call It: “WWWHHHAAAATTTT!” (Said in my best Minion voice)

So my running calendar has changed. I am still doing the Poker Run 5k at Iroquois Park on August 10th; the Moonlight Mile and 8k Run on August 21st; but now my first ½ Marathon will be the Silstone Trail ½ Marathon in November; and then my first Full Marathon 3 weeks later on December 4th at the Memphis Marathon . Yes, there are links there, if you want to check them out. I am most excited as the summer is winding to its final stretch, that all of my hard road work, my gallons of sweat, and countless hours in the gym is focused on those goals, I put on myself when I ran my first 5k in May. I full well expect that this Christmas I will be asking Santa for a quick recovery with no injury :) Since I started this, I find it funny that people who comment fall under only two categories: Ones Who Also Run (“that is a GREAT time/pace/stride/heart rate” etc; “It is so addicting, right?”) and the Ones Who Don’t (“You must be crazy”; “Why would I run that far when I have a car?” etc). For thos...