Time to Focus On Giving Thanks

The season we all have loved since we were children is here!! Having a birthday in mid-October always meant something extra to me. I’d only have to wait 2 more weeks for Halloween, and a month and a half, it would be Thanksgiving, and ultimately, I would be rewarded in a couple of months by a visit from Santa!!!

This will mark out first Thanksgiving and Christmas in Louisville (yes, I grew up here, but my wife is a native Floridian), and I find myself so excited for the girls. I am truly giddy at the prospect of the girls experiencing their first snowfall sometime this winter. I love that Damary and I can get the girls some pajamas with footies on them to wear Christmas Eve night, as they sip some hot cocoa with marshmallows (hot cider for me, I HATE chocolate lol).

As a parent, this time of year seems to reenergize my soul. Now on the “other side” of the fence, I feel even more special about the holidays. Now I have a direct hand in making the holidays magical for my daughters. I can help make that sparkle in their eye even brighter.

We took the girls to see the light tree event at the Summit, and then the next day for a sleigh ride with Santa (I would like to say the Santa at the Summit is absolutely the nicest guy, full of Christmas spirit. He sang “Frosty The Snowman” to the girls and really talked to them. He told me he has 14 children and 12 grandchildren and how much he loves the holidays….I HIGHLY recommend you take your kids there to see Santa.) and pictures. It warmed my heart as I watched the girls smiles grow so huge as Santa talked to them. As a parent, I live for those moments.

I am fully aware that in a few short years the world will take away most of this magic the girls have, so I soak up every single second of these times. When it is my time to go and the angels ask me my favorite part of my life, I will look back on that sleigh ride with the same fondness as I look back on the day I met Damary.

I hope all of you, as parents, are taking the time to really enjoy these moments. I mean other than becoming a Grandparent, aren’t the holidays part of the major reasons we wanted to become parents??

My Name Is Corey, and I am Addicted to Making My Wife and Daughters As Happy As They Can Be.

-Until The Sleigh Bells Fall Off


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