My First REAL Dad Dilemma....Please Help!!!

Hey Everyone,

So this morning, I stayed home with Ayanna because she was sick (turns out she has an ear infection). Well, I took her to the doctors, and since she is getting bigger (and it is like 3 miles away) I let her ride in the front seat. Well, when we get to the doctor's, I went over to open her door. After the doctor's appointment, we were waking to the car and I went to open her door. Then Ayanna, looks at me and says, "Papi, why do you always open the door for me, Annabelle, and Mami?". I then said, "Because I love you all and that is what a Papi should do." She takes less than a microsecond to comeback and say to me, "But you always tell me and Annabelle that we are big girls, and Mami is a big girl, and how we can do whatever we want and not ever give up trying. Well, then we can open our own doors, right??"

My mouth came open, but nothing came out. How am I supposed to explain to my wonderfully bright 4 year old the fine balance between chivalry and female independence. Hell, explaining chivalry will be hard enough!! And last I checked, I have NO IDEA how to be an independent female.

We got in the car and I told her, "Baby I open the doors for you all, because we are supposed to do nice things for each other. But if you feel like you want to open it yourself, you go right ahead." Then I felt like I had dodged a bullit, but realized for the rest of my life I will walk that line in showing the girls the proper way a man should treat the ones he loves, and being independent enough not to need said man.

Yeah, my head is SPINNING now......Feel free to leave me comments on here, or my Facebook, My Space, or Twitter helping me out!! Thanks!!

-Until the....wait, the wheels almost fell off LOL,


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