My Latest Race(s)

Hello True Believers,

Well, the last six weeks have been ridiculous….I think that is the only word I have to use. I have NOT been “Feeling the Aster”. Last night gave me a small sense of what I needed. For once, and for a short time, I felt “Whelmed”. I was in control of the pain going on, I was in control of whether I stopped or gutted it out and kept going. Now before I get ahead of myself, let me fully explain.

About 6 weeks ago, my mom showed complications and had her second angioplasty where they went through the artery in leg (she had it about a year ago). Well she stayed in ICU surgery recovery as they found out that she still had blood clots in her legs. Well she doesn’t have a strong enough vein to go back in, so they increased her blood thinner, and after 2 weeks she was finally released and went home. Well, the next day she complained of pain in her legs and went to see her PCP who prescribed her some mild pain killers.

Damary and I noticed that first night; she seemed out of it, not quite herself. We both attributed it to her pain medication. Well the next couple of nights, we just noticed her “out of it” was getting worse. Well fast forward a few days later, and that night we decided that the next day she was going to be seen by her doctor. So while I was at work that morning, Damary sent me a text saying mom called her and said she was doing bad and needed to go to the doctor now. Being the FANTASTIC and loving person Damary is, she called 911 to get my mom. I met EMS at the hospital and we waited.

We discovered that she had a stroke in the left hemisphere of her brain from a blood clot (having nothing to do with the clots in her legs). It looked like it had happened about a week prior, so yes, when I thought she was out of it do to the pain medication, she had a stroke.

She’s been in the hospital and for every step forward, there are two or more backwards. She will need a few more surgical procedures in the next couple of weeks. Then assuming everything goes at 100%, she should get out of the hospital in about a week and a half and then will have to go to a rehab center while they help her work on getting her balance, strength and walking ability back.

Now at the same time mom was going in for her surgery, I finally went back to the doctor and got the boot and crutches I previously wrote about. Well, my follow up was last week, and I have, AT LEAST, another 5 weeks in the boot. I can take these next 5 weeks to take myself off of the crutches. I am also cleared for light cross training (recumbent bike and/or swimming, that’s it). He says at least a couple of months before I am going to be back to my regular running schedule (25-30+ miles per week).

Well, I have already missed 2 races I signed up for (turns out missing those races was a blessing in disguise because they ended up being a logistics nightmare), but had REALLY been looking forward to The inaugural Louisville Waterfront Challenge  and with everything that has recently happened, I needed this race. I haven’t been running since June 28th, and running for me isn’t an addiction, as some lesser intelligent people might say, it is more like a religion. If I stay committed and give it my all, the peace of mind I get back from it is what keeps me centered. And if I have EVER needed to be centered, it is now.

So with the blessing of Damary, I ran the race last night. This couldn’t have been a better race. The running part of it helped me to rediscover that “Life Force” I so love, but the obstacles on the course helped me to work through some aggression I have had to hold in.

I will say, this was a WONDERFULLY organized race with incredible volunteers and an incredible atmosphere. I met up with some friends and lined up at the start line and emphatically thanked and high-fived every volunteer I came across.
I took a ton of pics and used the Color app to record some video. Now, today I am in pain, but I knew I would be. I will continue to take it easy, and I will continue to be vigil in watching over mom.

There are a ton of things I am choosing to not go into, and that is simply because I don’t want to go into details. Let’s just say every day is filled with stress, and every time there is one step forward, there are five steps backwards.

 I did ask the Universe for a break and got this in the mail, which was nice to see this recognition.

I am not sure when I will be able to write again, I am hoping that life slows down enough for me to catch a breath, but if that doesn’t happen, I will simply continue to do what I am doing now.

-Until The Wheels Fall Off


  1. oh wow!!!
    stress is an understatement in your world!!
    but as that old saying goes "what doesnt kill you,only makes you stronger.."
    i can only imagine how tough things are right now,but there is reason why you wear that superman shirt,corey..
    even on the days you dont feel strong,even on the days you feel you have to put the mask of happiness on,there still lies within you just enough strength to carry you and your family through! your strength,combined with your wife's strength will help get the family through the hard times.
    embrace the simple pleasures,soak up all the little things in life like your daughters little laughs,smiles and silliness.
    take a day to be a child,
    take some time to reflect...
    your stronger than what you think!!

    OH and i cant believe you ran a race!!
    love what you said about it being a religion
    i too call running my sanctuary without walls!

    keep your head up superman!
    you rock~

  2. Thank you for the post. I've been wondering about your sweet momma but didnt want to intrude in asking. Will continue to pray for her... & for you to find the strength in the midst of what life throws at you.

    Glad you did get to get out aggression during the Waterfront Challenge. I'm sure it was worth the aches you may be feeling now.

    Hate I didnt see you at the Color Run but got to see another Queen on the course :) Its not a race without a Queen! :)

    Praying for your whole gang my friend!!!


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